Should you turn off your boiler in the summer?

Summer is right around the corner, and if you’re energy bill conscious, you’re probably considering turning off your boiler. During the hottest months of the year, you don’t really need to warm up your home or consistently use hot water in your kitchen sink. But is it worth it to turn off your boiler? Here’s the answer. Most people turn of the heating in the summer, and also consider turning off the boiler altogether. Depending on your lifestyle and the size of your family, turning off your boiler can save you quite a lot. Think about what you use hot water on, and consider relying on other sources of hot water for your daily needs. Your boiler can very well be the number one energy- eating appliance in your home, and costs you thousands on your energy bill annually, and turning it off will save you a lot. This is even more useful if you have an old boiler, one that uses a pilot light. While it may seem like the continuously burning pilot light burn little fuel, the energy used will accumulate over summer. In fact, even modern boilers require intermittent heating if the water tanks are not insulated properly.     If you have an electric shower installed and plan on using that instead of taking baths  in the summer, then there is even less use for your boiler. For your dishwashers and washers/ dryers, most modern models can heat their own water as they enter the system and do to need to preheat the water. Important tip: While turning off your boiler will save you money, it it...

Don’t Forget Your Boiler in the Summer: Summer Boiler Tips

Read more of our summer boiler tips to help maintain your boiler even during the hot months. Summer Boiler Tips We are all guilty of it at one point or another: forgetting our boiler once the weather starts warming up. We turn off our heating and forget all about our boilers until the cold months roll in again. Many studies have shown that there are more homeowners who do not get their boilers serviced regularly than those who do. Regular boiler service should ideally be done annually, and is important to ensure that your boiler will be in perfect working condition when you need to use it again. Regular boiler checks will also decrease the chances of emergency boiler repairs or boiler breakdowns. One of the worst things that can happen in the middle of a freezing winter day is to have your boiler stop working. The summer is the best time to get a gas boiler service done. In the summer, there is a lower demand for the services of heating and plumbing companies, and engineers will have more availability and time options to offer you. Getting it done early also means your boiler is prepared to face the winter and you won’t be left with no heating or hot water. Don’t automatically assume that because you turned off your boiler in a good state, it will run ok come winter. Here’s another of our summer boiler tips: consider adjusting your heating controls. Because its not as cold as it was during the winter. Change the temperature for both your central heating and your water heater. This will...

True or False: Boiler Energy Saving Myth Busters

Read these myth busters and find out if the energy “saving tips” you’re using are actually working! Boiler Energy Saving Myth Busters MYTH 1: Leaving the ceiling or electric fan on will help keep the room cool TRUTH: Fans help keep people cool, but not the rooms, as it works by helping air circulate better and blowing out breeze which feels cool to the skin – even though the room temperature is the same. Leaving a fan on when the room is empty will not benefit anyone. On the other hand, attic fans can actually draw cooler air from outside into your home while blowing trapped hot air out. It can help with energy efficiency, but only if the air outside is cooler. MYTH: Turning up the thermostat will make it faster to heat your home. TRUTH: Thermostats tell your heating system to turn on until a specified temperature is reached. Once that temperature is reached, the thermostat will tell your heating system to turn off. Turning up the temperature is like pressing your floor’s  number in an elevator to make it go faster: it feels like its helping, but its not. You can also be potentially wasting energy here if you forget to reset the temperature. Set the thermostat to the ideal temperature, and if you have an old one, consider getting a more efficient new one that can help you save more energy. MYTH: Leaving the hot water heater on all the time will save energy. TRUTH: Your boiler will store hot water for you that you can use throughout the day. You can heat your water for...

Maximizing Your Heating Controls to Save Money

Your boiler’s heating controls help you set the boiler temperature and times. However, more than half of homes in the UK do not have heating controls that meet the minimum legal requirements for newly installed units. Old, outdated heating controls are hindering home owners from heating their homes in a more cost effective way.An efficient heating control will allow you to keep your home warm without wasting fuel, energy or heat.   Today, smart heating controls are available. These systems are more advanced and are designed for domestic use. You can manage your heating system remotely using your computer, tablet or smart phone. Some systems are even designed to learn the options you typically choose, and make adjustments to accommodate those. Remember that the type of heating control that you need will depend on what heating system you have. A smart heating control may not necessarily be the best option for you. Here are some benefits of getting an updated heating control system: reduce carbon dioxide emissions save money on your energy bill by using your controls efficiently schedule when to turn your heating and hot water on or off set different temperatures in the different areas of your home as needed control your heating system remotely – even when you are not home How to save money through your heating controls: Turn the thermostat to the lowest comfortable temperature. Remember that even turning it down by 1°C can save you about £85 to £90 on your energy bill annually. You can set the thermostat to 18°C, then turn it up by one degree at a time until you find a temperature that is comfortable for you....

Boiler Energy Saving Tips

Get the most out of your boiler and heating system using these boiler energy saving tips. Boiler Energy Saving Tips Turn the thermostat down by 1°C. This can help save you as much as £60 annually. Keeping the temperature constantly on low heat can save you more that switching it on and off for large blows of heat. Learn and understand the timer settings of your heating system as this will help you better manage the temperature in your home and the energy used. Layer your clothes to help you keep warm. Wear layers of jackets, sweaters and scarves, as well as socks and slippers at home. Use an extra blanket at night. This will help you keep warm and you would not need to turn the heating up. Set your timer so that your heating system is set and turns on 15 to 30 minutes before you come home. Turn it off 30 minutes before you leave your home. Get your home insulated. Install loft and cavity wall insulation. Loft insulation can save you up to £140 and cavity  wall insulation can save you up to £160 every year on you energy usage. The government now provides full and partial grants to help homeowners pay for home insulation. But even if you don’t receive the grant from the government, insulation is still a great investment and is worth the money in the long run. Install solar panels. This can help you save as much as one-thirds on your energy use. The government has also launched the Feed-In Tariff scheme so that panel installers actually get paid for the energy the panels generate. Use...

UK Gas Meters

Learn more about the different gas meters used in the UK. Gas Meters Explained Your gas meter should show a single number, typically composed of four or five digits. This number represents the number of gas units you have consumed. To compute for your usage, simply subtract the current reading to the previous one. Your gas company will convert the gas units you have used up into kilowatt hours (kWh), which will then be displayed on your gas bill. kWh is used to measure energy based on how much energy is produced by one kilowatt of gas in every hour. Different Gas Meters Digital Metric Meter – This uses cubic meters (m3) to measure gas and typically displays an ‘M’or ‘M3’. Read or write down all the numbers that appear before the decimal point from left to right. Ignore the ones after the decimal point, which may be shown in red. Digital Imperial Meter – An older type of gas meter, this one uses cubic feet (ft3) to measure gas, and will be displayed as ‘cubic feet’ or ‘Ft’. To read the unit, read or write down the four numbers for left to right and ignore any numbers that are red. Dial Meter – This type of gas meter uses a series of dials instead of a digital display. The dials will show numbers from zero to nine. To read the units, start with the left dial and write down the number that is indicated by the pointer, moving to the right. In case you find the pointer in between two numbers, take the lower number; except if it is...