How to bleed radiators

RJ Gas Heating technicians are experts in boilers who know how to bleed radiators. Our technicians will be able to assess if bleeding is necessary and will perform the task for you.


Learning how to bleed radiators is something basic anyone can do. In fact, you might find it useful to have somebody in your home know how to bleed radiators in case you need to get it done and are unable to contact a plumber or technician.


However, it is always best to have an expert and Gas Safe certified technician or engineer to do it for you. Handling gas appliances when you have no proper education or knowledge in doing the job may get pretty ugly. Other than possibly costing you more expenses later on, mishandling a gas appliance can also damage your property and put your life and your family’s at risk.


It all starts with a heating problem.

When the bottom of the radiator is warm, but the top part is cold, it means that there is air trapped inside which prevents the heat from circulating. An easy and do-it-yourself solution to this is to bleed the radiator.


Remember the following:

1) You will find a bleed screw in the radiator – usually on the top, at the far end or at the back.

2) Bleed keys to the radiators are usually made of materials like alloy or brass.


Here are some easy and basic steps on how to bleed radiators:

1) Switch the central heating off. This will ensure that no additional air will creep in.

2) Locate the bleed valve / screw.

3) Protect your hand and the floor underneath from any hot water that will escape the valve. Wrap your hands with a towel or cloth and place another one (or a bowl) under the valve.

4) Ensure you have the bleed key. If you can’t find it, you will be able to buy a replacement at a local hardware store.

5) Insert the bleed key into the bleed valve. Slowly and carefully, turn it counter clockwise.

6) Listen in for a soft hissing sound. That means the air is starting to escape. When water starts to drip out of the valve, that’s your cue that all the air has been bled out.

7) Tighten the valve again by rotating it clockwise.

8) Turn your central heating back on. Your radiators should be heating correctly now.

This is a fairly easy step-by-step process on how to bleed radiators. However, if you are unsure, doubtful or scared to do this on your own, do not hesitate to call us. We can accommodate you anytime. Our technicians have years of experience, certified and knowledgeable on how to bleed radiators and can help you with other boiler problems as well.

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