Worcester No Pressure

Are experiencing Worcester no pressure on your boiler?

Water Pressure in Your Boiler

Constant and consistent water pressure allows for the proper flow and heating of water in your boiler. The filling loop helps maintain pressure using cold water that flows from the water mains supply.

Causes of drop in water pressure

Loss in water pressure can be caused by a number of things. For example, a boiler leak will lead to a drop in the pressure. Also, bleeding your radiators can cause loss in the water pressure.

How to tell if your boiler’s pressure has dropped.

While leaks can lead to low boiler pressure, they can be very small and unnoticeable in the beginning- until they get bigger or lead to other problems. A drop in your boiler’s water pressure can indicate other problems in the system.

You can regularly check your pressure gauge to make sure that your boiler’s pressure is not too low or too high. The pressure gauge is located in front of your boiler. The red indicator needle is usually is around the 1 bar when the boiler was installed.

How to repressurize a Worcester no pressure

Here’s how you can top up the pressure on your Worcester boiler:

  • Turn off the boiler and let it cool down.
  • Look under the boiler for a black plastic manifold.
  • Find the arrows (if there are) that are engraved on the shaft of the T-shaped filling key as well as the padlock symbols outside the manifold.
  • Place the key in the manifold and turn it to the right. The manifold will then stop and align with the closed padlock symbol.
  • Inside the manifold is a white knob. Rotate this know to the left. This will allow the water to fill the system and you should hear the water running through. Note that water will leak out of the manifold if the key is not properly placed.
  • Check the pressure indicator on the gauge again. When it reaches the middle of the 1 and 1.5 bars, turn the white knob back to the right and make sure to close the valve. However, do not close it too tight.
  • Finally, turn the filling key to the left until the arrow aligns with the open padlock. Remove the key.

Call us at RJ Gas if you need more help with Worcester no pressure.