New Boiler Fitted in E11

Do you need to get a new boiler fitted? Here’s more information about boiler fitting.


New boiler Fitted

New Boiler Fitted

New boiler installation is one of the biggest, single expenses, albeit important investment, a homeowner (or landlord) will have to make. Buying and getting your new boiler fitted must be done right, otherwise you may suffer more costs from installation or future boiler repairs.

Boiler fittings, also called boiler mountings, are necessary to make sure that your boiler operates safely. These are some of the mountings usually found in a new boiler fitted:

  • Safety valves. Mounted in pairs, they protect the boiler from overpressure and explosion.
  • Mam steftm stop valve. Usually of the non-return type, this valve is fitted in the main stream supply line.
  • Auxiliary steam stop valve. A smaller, non return valve fitted in the auxiliary steam supply line.
  • Feed check, feedwater, clack or control valves. A pair of non return valves fitted in the feedwater line, either just below the water level, on the side of the boiler, or on the top of the boiler.
  • Water level gauge. Water level gauges or ‘gauge glasses’ or ‘sight glasses’ are fitted in pairs, each at one end of the boiler. They tell you the level of fluid in the boiler.
  • Pressure gauge connection. This is fitted to provide pressure readings.
  • Air release cock. These are fitted in the headers, boiler drum, etc., It releases air when filling the boiler or raising steam, and usually fitted in the headers or boiler drum.
  • Sampling connection. For the sampling and analysis of feed water, a water outlet cock and cooling arrangement is made. Another arrangement may also be provided for injecting water treatment chemicals.
  • Blow down valve.  A continuous blow down valve enables water to escape from the boiler. It may be used when partially or completely emptying the boiler. A bottom blow down valve is a way to remove solid particulates that lie on the bottom of a boiler. It is located directly on the bottom of the boiler.
  • Scum valve. A shallow dish placed at the normal water level is connected to the scum valve, allowing the flushing of scum and other impurities from the water surface.
  • Whistle stop valve. A small bore non-return valve, it supplies the whistle with steam straight from the boiler drum.


Other fittings and accessories may include pressure controls, flash tank, hand holes, circulating pump, chemical injection line, the name plate and registration plate.

To get a new boiler fitted properly, call RJ Gas and have one of our gas safe registered engineers do the job for you.